Minggu, 19 Februari 2012

Contoh Puisi


Rindu Buat Ayah

Semasa kecil kami belum mengerti
apa arti pengorbanan seorang ayah
selalu berjuang demi kebutuhan anak mu
tanpa mengenal waktu
engkau rela di hina dan di maki
demi anak-anak mu

kini kami sadari betapa berartinya diri mu
karena anak mu kini sudah menjadi seorang ayah

saat detik kepergian mu
menghembus nafas terakhir
kami seperti tak percaya
karena beberapa detik
engkau telah pergi untuk selamanya

maafkan anakmu ini
yang belum mampu membahagiakan diri mu
di waktu hidup dan tua mu

betapa anak mu kehilangan
dan selalu terbayang wajah mu
serasa engkau masih bersama kami

Ya As- sami’………
Engkau maha mendengar
perkenankan permohonan kami

Ya Al-Ghafur………
ampuni dosa dan kesalahan ayah kami
semasa hidup dan mati nya

Ya Al-Maajid………..
tempatkan ia pada kemuliaan Mu
karena disisi Mu tempat kemuliaan kami

kami anak-anak mu
kini hanya dapat mendo’akan mu
semoga engkau tenang di sisi Nya

Versi Bhs.Inggris

longing for the father
As a child we do not understand
what it means to sacrifice a father
always fight for your child's needs
without knowing the time
you willingly in abject and in maki
for the sake of your children

Father .............
we now realize how important self-mu
because your child has now become a father

Father ............
second time your departure
exhale the last breath
We do not believe such
for several seconds
you have been gone forever

Father ...........
sorry your son is
which you yourself have not been able to blissful
at the time of your life and older

Father ..............
how your child loses
and always pictured your face
feel like you are still with us

Yes As-Sami '.........
You hear the maha
let our petition
Yes Al-Ghafur .........
father forgive our sins and errors
during his life and death
Yes Al-Maajid ...........
place him in the glory of thy
Your place of glory for our side

Father ...............
we are your children
now you can only pray
I hope you are still on his side
Amiiiiiiiin ............

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